There are many ways your body is impacted during a pregnancy. During those nine months the body undergoes many transformations! We mostly associate pregnancy with physical changes such as an expanding belly and other symptoms such as morning sickness and backache. However, did you know that changes can occur in your mouth as well? Yes, that’s right!
Hormonal changes that happen during pregnancy can increase the acidity in the mouth. Many people also find they crave sugar during this time too. A combination of both can lead to this increase in acidity. Furthermore, this can lead to an increase in dental issues such as cavities. If you are pregnant and have noticed your teeth are wiggling slightly, do not be alarmed. Ligaments and bones in the mouth can loosen during this time and it should be temporary.
The body has an inflammatory response and during the third trimester it works by increasing the amount of bacteria and place that stick to the teeth. This can lead to swelling, bleeding of the gums, or in some cases contracting diseases such as gingivitis.
If you are worried about your dental health, there are some things you can do during this time.
As poor dental hygiene has been linked to a number of illnesses and infections, it’s a good idea to keep up with your regular dental checks (at least once every six months). You should always tell your dentist if you are pregnant. They will reassure you that most preventive treatments during pregnancy are completely safe.
It’s important to keep up with your routine at home during this time too. Other tips you can brush up on whilst pregnant include but are not limited to:
If you have found that your gums are more sensitive during pregnancy, you can try rinsing them with saltwater. Use 1 teaspoon of salt in 1 cup of warm water. If you do not see an improvement after doing this, it’s time to see your dentist. Oral and dental changes that occur during this time should never be ignored, even if for just peace of mind. Remember delaying treatment may lead to more complicated issues and could increase the risk of preterm delivery.
To learn more ways to take care of your dental health at home, contact Corringham Dental today.
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